Celebrating over 20 years of sustainable investment returns
Green Effects Factsheet
Our monthly factsheet details the NAV (net asset value) since inception, sectoral, geographic and currency exposure, key performance information and commentary.
September Green Effects Factsheet
Key Features
- One of the top performing funds within its peer group resulting in a 5-star rating from Morningstar Fund Research
- Largest ethical fund in the Irish market
- Stocks are selected from the NAI index for which there is strict selection criteria
- Offers exposure to a broad base of socially responsible sectors and underlying companies
- Minimum investment: €5,000
Why Invest?
This cost-efficient fund with a defined ethical investment focus offers you diversified exposure and aims to achieve long term capital growth.
To enquire about the Green Effects Fund please contact us at [email protected] or contact your account manager directly.
Factsheet Archive
August Green Effects Factsheet
July Green Effects Factsheet
June Green Effects Factsheet
May Green Effects Factsheet
April Green Effects Factsheet
March Green Effects Factsheet
February Green Effects Factsheet
January Green Effects Factsheet
December Green Effects Factsheet
November Green Effects Factsheet
October Green Effects Factsheet
September Green Effects Factsheet
August Green Effects Factsheet
July Green Effects Factsheet
June Green Effects Factsheet
May Green Effects Factsheet
April Green Effects Factsheet
March Green Effects Factsheet