This bond aims to provide a continuously competitive interest rate for investors and allows monthly access with a flexible investment term.

Key Features

  • Floating interest rate linked to the ECB’s Euro Short Term Rate (€STR) less an adjustment of 1% p.a.
  • Flexible investment, monthly access with 1 weeks prior notice and no fixed investment term.
  • Redeemable monthly at the option of the Investor and also Callable by the Issuer.
  • 100% Capital protection is provided by Societe Generale (Moody’s A1 / S&P’s A / Fitch A).
  • This Bonds interest rate can not become negative if rates fall as returns are floored at 0%.
  • This is a low risk investment (SRI Risk Score 2 out of 7).
  • Minimum investment: €100,000.

Why Invest?

This 100% protected bond has been designed so that investors may achieve a greater return on short term funds then they may get from most retail banks. The €STR interest rate is a variable rate, calculated daily and based on the Euro interbank lending market. €STR is independently calculated and published by the European Central Bank (ECB), with the aim of ensuring greater transparency and fairness in the market.

View Investment Summary

Key Documents

PrimeSaver Monthly Rolling 100% Protected Bond – Brochure


PrimeSaver Monthly Rolling 100% Protected Bond – Target Market


PrimeSaver Monthly Rolling 100% Protected Bond – KID


PrimeSaver Monthly Rolling 100% Protected Bond – Prospectus



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