Direct Asset Investment Sales

We work with our global colleagues in Newmark to provide access to an unparalleled network of global investors in real estate assets. ​


We collaborate with our international capital markets team to underwrite the optimal funding, positioning and sales strategy for a given asset or portfolio and curate the ideal list of investors for us to discuss the transaction with. ​


Our reach extends to over 500 investment groups globally, ranging from US private equity to Japanese pension funds, Middle East SWFs and Australian superannuation funds, amongst others.  ​


Drawing on our investment underwriting expertise, investor network, and capital markets knowledge base, we’re able to tailor the capital markets process to each client’s requirements

Equity, Recapitalisation & Joint Ventures

As a fully integrated financial services firm with deep experience in real estate, we work with developers and investors to structure equity, preferred, JV and recapitalisation deals to align with a client’s needs and market expectations. ​


Our global teams work closely with investment groups worldwide who seek a variety of risk-return profiles across deals throughout the capital stack. ​


We identify clear target groups for each deal, and with significant global deal flow, have direct insight into what investors need in an ever-changing economic and interest rate environment. ​


We broaden the options available to our clients by developing detailed financial appraisals with in-depth scenario analyses.

Debt Advisory & Structured Finance

We provide tailored debt advisory and structured finance solutions for real estate projects and investment holdings. ​


Depending on client needs, we drive international debt processes to increase competitive tension and secure best-in-class financing terms​ at a given point in the cycle.


As interest rates have risen, we’re seeing renewed and broader interest in debt from credit and debt funds across Europe. As a result, investment groups are looking at Ireland with its solid macro base and under-supplied residential market.


We also source equity and debt capital for smaller real estate projects through our domestic HNW and Family Office network as a CBI-regulated entity in Dublin.

Debt Capital Markets

As Ireland’s longest currently standing domestic primary dealer of Irish Sovereign bond issuance, our team of specialists trade investment-grade and corporate-rated bonds in the public bond markets. ​


We structure deals to source the optimal investment groups for large-scale corporate debt issuance in the rated, unrated, and high bond-yield segments of the market. ​


In a market where SPV underwriting is challenging, we adopt a considered approach to raising capital, through the issuing of private placements or corporate bonds for real estate firms with significant holdings.