This bond aims to provide a continuously competitive interest rate for investors and allows monthly access with a flexible investment term.

Key Features

  • Floating interest rate linked to the ECB’s Euro Short Term Rate (€STR) less an adjustment of 1% p.a.
  • Flexible investment, monthly access with 1 weeks prior notice and no fixed investment term.
  • Redeemable monthly at the option of the Investor and also Callable by the Issuer.
  • 100% Capital protection is provided by Societe Generale (Moody’s A1 / S&P’s A / Fitch A).
  • This Bonds interest rate can not become negative if rates fall as returns are floored at 0%.
  • This is a low risk investment (SRI Risk Score 2 out of 7).
  • Minimum investment: €100,000.

Why Invest?

This 100% protected bond has been designed so that investors may achieve a greater return on short term funds then they may get from most retail banks. The €STR interest rate is a variable rate, calculated daily and based on the Euro interbank lending market. €STR is independently calculated and published by the European Central Bank (ECB), with the aim of ensuring greater transparency and fairness in the market.

Key Documents

PrimeSaver Monthly Rolling 100% Protected Bond – Brochure


PrimeSaver Monthly Rolling 100% Protected Bond – Target Market


PrimeSaver Monthly Rolling 100% Protected Bond – KID


PrimeSaver Monthly Rolling 100% Protected Bond – Prospectus



Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance. The value of your investment may go down as well as up.