This fund is designed for investors who are looking for a stable annual inflation linked dividend

Why choose the New Haven Housing Fund?

The fund typically owns the underlying property assets, providing additional potential for capital appreciation. The fund is a socially responsible investment (SFDR Article 8). It is intended that it will assist in addressing the chronic undersupply of social and affordable housing in Ireland, and has provided (or facilitated provision of) over 100 new homes for social housing to date.


The Investment Manager has built a high-quality portfolio of properties let to Local Authorities and Approved Housing Bodies.


The fund works with Local Authorities, Approved Housing Bodies and Developers to deliver social and affordable housing with investments in:

  • Properties let on long term leases (typically 25 years) to Local Authorities and Approved Housing bodies.
  • Forward funding and forward purchase of new social housing developments.
  • Sites acquired with the intent of developing social or affordable housing.
  • Vacant properties which can be let on long-term social housing leases.
  • Debt securities secured on social and affordable housing properties.


There is a well-documented housing crisis in Ireland. As of November 2022, there are 57,842 households assessed as qualifying for housing support with 22.3% of these households on a waitlist for more than 7 years. Additionally, the Governments “Housing for All” plan targets the delivery of 33,000 new homes annually. The fund intends to be part of the solution to assist in providing much needed capital to assist in solving this crisis.

Fund Process and Approach

The Investment Manager works with developers, Local Authorities, Approved Housing Bodies and other property professionals to assess suitable property acquisitions and properties for development. Property due diligence including legal, survey and valuation is then undertaken on each property prior to acquisition. It is the Investment Managers objective to build a portfolio of high-quality social housing properties that will deliver a stable annual yield for investors.

Article 10 – New Haven Housing Fund



We are Cantor Fitzgerald

Ian Halstead

Director – L&P Investment Services

Ian has 25 years investment experience, 22 years with L&P Investment Services (acquired by Cantor Fitzgerald Ireland in 2017). He is a specialist in allocating capital to diversified portfolios of alternative assets to create portfolio outcomes greater than the sum of their parts.

He also has extensive experience in designing and implementing quantitative investment models. He is an expert in Positive Impact Investment and has spoken at numerous positive impact investment and ESG Investment Conferences.

Ian has a BA in Business and Economics from Trinity College Dublin.


Graham O’Brien

Fund Manager – Real Estate and Infrastructure Specialist

Graham is a Chartered Financial Analyst and a Chartered Accountant. He has in excess of 15 years’ investment experience having joined Cantor Fitzgerald Ireland in 2014 with previous experience in banking and private equity. He has carried out in-depth due diligence and led investments into private infrastructure projects, including investment in solar farms and renewable energy companies. He also has extensive property experience having set up and manged two property funds on behalf of Cantor Fitzgerald Ireland.